

Meet Our Experts

Smile with our experienced and expert staff!

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Dr. Kenan Çavdar(Orthodontics Specialist)

Dr. Kenan ÇAVDAR graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at Sofia Medical University in 1995. He completed his specialization in Orthodontics at Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry between 1998-2001. Since 2001, he has been continuing his private practice in his clinic in Istanbul.

Dr. Nevil Babaoğlu

Dr. Nevil Babaoğlu(Dentist)

Nevil Babaoğlu was born in 1977 in Varna, Bulgaria. She graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry in 2000. In 2021, she completed her studies in Health Institutions Management at Istanbul University. She is a member of the Turkish Dental Association and focuses on digital smile design, aesthetic fillings, laminates, inlays, onlays, fixed and removable prostheses. She speaks Bulgarian fluently, and has a moderate proficiency in Russian and German.

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Dr. Büşra Öztürk(Dentist)

Büşra Öztürk was born in 1997 in Istanbul. She completed her high school education at Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Science High School. She graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at Istanbul Medeniyet University in 2023. She is a member of the Turkish Dental Association and specializes in digital smile design, porcelain laminates, aesthetic fillings, inlay onlay fillings, and transparent plate treatments, and continues her treatments.

Dr. Deniz Başaran Yücel

Dr. Deniz Başaran Yücel(pedodonticsSpecialist)

Dr. Deniz BAŞARAN YÜCEL, DDS, MSc Dr. Deniz BAŞARAN YÜCEL was born in Istanbul in 1994. She completed her high school education at Çapa Science High School and was admitted to Istanbul Medipol University Faculty of Dentistry with a 100% scholarship in 2012. After one year of preparatory education and five years of undergraduate studies, she graduated as the second-ranked student in 2018. In the same year, she began her specialization in Pediatric Dentistry at Bezmialem Vakıf University Faculty of Dentistry. In 2022, she earned the title of "Specialist Doctor" by presenting her thesis titled "Evaluation of the Relationship Between Serological Test Results for Celiac Disease Diagnosis in Children Aged 0-5 and Enamel Defects in Permanent Teeth."

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Dr. Yıldız Özkan Çavuş(periodontist)

Dr. Yıldız Özkan Çavuş (Periodontist) Dr. Yıldız ÖZKAN ÇAVUŞ was born in 1988 in Razgrad, Bulgaria. She completed her high school education at Pertevniyal High School. In 2011, she graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry, ranking third in her class. She completed her specialization in 2015 at Başkent University Faculty of Dentistry and earned the title of "Periodontology Specialist." She provides services in surgical and non-surgical periodontal treatments, gum recession and its treatment, laser-assisted gum treatments, dental implant applications, and the treatment of peri-implant diseases.

What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry. The word is derived from the Greek words 'ortho' meaning proper, and 'odons' meaning teeth.

Invisalign İkon

What is Invisalign?

Transparent aligners, also known as clear aligners, are a type of orthodontic device. They are transparent, plastic dental braces used to adjust teeth.


What is Pedodontics?

Pedodontics, also known as pediatric dentistry, is a branch of dentistry focusing on young patients, including infants, children, and adolescents.


What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry. The word is derived from the Greek words 'ortho' meaning proper, and 'odons' meaning teeth.

Invisalign İkon

What is Invisalign?

Transparent aligners, also known as clear aligners, are a type of orthodontic device. They are transparent, plastic dental braces used to adjust teeth.


What is Pedodontics?

Pedodontics, also known as pediatric dentistry, is a branch of dentistry focusing on young patients, including infants, children, and adolescents.
